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Jesus Says That There Are Only Two Things One Must Do to Gain Eternal Life:
1) Love thy Lord with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your strength.
2) Love they neighbor as you would yourself.
By definition: Christians = Followers of Christ.
With that said, Christians ought to follow the teachings of Christ: that salvation is not attained through organized religion, but rather simply loving God and loving one another.
The Bible is not meant to be used as a reference guide for how we are to follow and lead our lives, but rather to help us know the Gospels; Jesus grants us our salvation through faith alone, thus the former rules/regulations are thereby abolished. The Old Testament serves to give us context, as so we can understand what it means to have salvation through faith in Christ.
Christians must REFRAIN from judgmental behavior, even if used under the guise of religious virtue. ALL judgmental behavior is impermissible according to Jesus Christ.
This site help to serve the purpose of reconciling our traditional perspective with the current lens which we see through today. The two are NOT separate entities, but rather one on the same under the singular teaching of loving God and one another as directed by Jesus Christ.
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