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The Modern-Day Pharisees
Just as the Pharisees would condemn those who did not follow the strict Law (of Moses) during the days when Jesus Christ walked the Earth, so there exists people in our current era that condemn others for the same things.
In today's era, there are also those who preach an archaic message while operating under the guise of being a representative of Christianity, however, they are actually hindering the work of the Lord by doing so. Instead, we must examine the facts and details for ourselves in order to fully understand the fact that God loves us all, and wants us to treat each other kindly without judgement. As Jesus rebuked the scholars of the Law of Moses (Pharisees) for impeding the true work of the Lord, so we must rebuke those that falsely preach hate and persecution while hiding behind the veneer of preaching on behalf of God.
In Matthew Chap 12, the Pharisees admonish Jesus' disciples for picking grain on the Sabbath. However, Jesus takes the opportunity to point out that there have been recorded circumstances when the Lord's will overcomes and supersedes religious regulations. (specifically noting King David and his soldiers eating consecrated bread in their time of hunger and despair) This is a CLEAR indication that Christ wants us to understand the meaning of the word, rather than placing specific regulations to follow. Jesus then warns to be cautious of the Pharisees, as they are less concerned with the meaning of the Lord's word and are completely enamored by the religious status that they hold.
Such is the same found in today's time, as there are those that speak on the "behalf of Christians" while preaching the opposite of what Christ has preached. They should be taken with a "grain of salt" for they are not the mouth piece of the Lord, but are rather preaching contrary to Christ's teachings. The hateful and misguided information that has been conveyed by these modern-day Pharisees has become so ingrained in our perception of religion, that their rhetoric has become synonymous with their religious beliefs. This actually demonstrates that they are more like Religious Followers rather than Followers of Christ. Forgiveness and eternal life is granted through Christ and not following archaic rules that were rendered subordinate to Christ's commands: to love the Lord and love one another. We must remain firm and true to the fundamental focus that Christ has commanded and stated as being the greatest commandments of them all.
Timothy Chap 4:11
"... but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity."
Archaic Book? On the Contrary !
Some might say that the Bible is an outdated piece of literature and that it does not relate to current times. This is simply not true. They reference rules and regulations established that applied directly to earlier ways of civilization and societies, though it is not time itself that did away with the "rules" but rather the coming of Christ. It was Christ that brought salvation; through Christ we are no longer bound to the archaic laws such as refraining from eating certain foods which causes us to be "unclean" in the Lord's eyes, and it is through Christ that we no longer condemn acts such as prostitution with death penalties, and same goes for homosexuality. It is Christ that allows us all to be "clean" before the Lord, for through Christ all have salvation that believe in and follow the teachings of Christ. Jesus Christ gave us the two most important commandments for all to follow and be saved:
1) Love the Lord our God with all our soul, heart, mind and strength.
2)To love thy neighbor as one would love thyself.
We should not add any more and certainly not pick out regulations which Jesus had already abolished. The Bible teaches us of the history of man's relationship with God, as well as bringing us current teachings to follow in today's time laid out by the Son of God, who is Jesus Christ.
The Bible details an account of a woman running from an angry mob into the arms of Jesus pleading for help. (John 8:7) When Jesus asks the mob why they are persecuting her, they explain that she is a prostitute. The mob then confronts Jesus, citing regulations that God had given which dictates that prostitution is an offense that is punishable by death. Jesus then instructs that anyone who is without sin may cast the first stone to kill the woman. With that, the crowd left and the woman was saved. So if Jesus preaches mercy in the case of prostitution, then so too is homosexuality given the same mercy that Jesus preaches.
Jesus taught to forgive one another and not condemn others. Jesus did not come to condemn the world but rather to save it.
(John 3:17)
Jesus Christ said, "This is my command:
Love each other." - John 15:17
As Christians, we ought to continually strive to share this fundamental message that the Lord has given us through Jesus Christ.
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