Christians are followers of Christ. This is the truest definition of what it is "to be called a Christian". To follow Christ is to follow his teachings and put faith in The Lord. Jesus said the most important commandments are:
"To love the Lord God with all our heart, with all our soul and with all our strength". The second is, "To love one another".
"For I tell you, these two commandments are the greatest of all." (Mark 12:28-34)
Jesus teaches that we should strive to love everybody, no matter who they are. The Bible cites several references throughout the Gospels of Jesus' stressing of the importance of loving one another, making no distinction between anyone. Jesus stresses the love we ought to show one another, so much so that if someone has done you wrong, the action to take is not a vengeful one, but rather to show them kindness in return.
“You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I say to you, Do not resist the one who is evil. But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. (Matthew 5:38-48)
This verse begins in the same style as the earlier antitheses, that natural desire for retaliation or vengeance can be conveniently justified with a reference to the Old Testament: An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth, known as the principle of 'lex talionis' ("the law of reciprocation"), is an ancient statement of the principle of retributive punishment dating back to the Code of Hammurabi. However, the old established ways are done away with through the salvation that comes from Jesus Christ and following Christ's teachings.
Love is central to Christ's teachings and what it truly means to be a Christian.
You Can Be Gay and Christian (and it's in the Bible)
Anyone that says Christianity condemns homosexuality, and then cites the Bible in a 'blanket statement' does not have a clear understanding of the Bible.
A major point to keep in mind when understanding the Bible is that it is written in chronological order. Why is that point so important? In regards to how the Bible is viewed and "used" (or rather, misused) in today's time, people often will quote Bible verses while applying it to modern comparison. Those that use the Bible to support the claim that homosexuality is forbidden in relation to CHRISTIANITY (followers of Christ's teachings) but do not fully understand the Bible or it's chronological structure. If a person tried to read a book by only reading a few excerpts taken from random order in the book, it would be nearly impossible (if not totally impossible) to fully understand the book. The same is true about the Bible. We cannot begin to think that we can understand its meaning and message by only reading a few parts taken haphazardly throughout it.
The Bible begins mankind's history as a primitive form of civilization, where laws are just barely beginning to become established and mankind lives to serve one's own pleasures. The Lord gave strict moral rules to live by, as to distinguish God's people from the unbelievers. Rituals also became established as to provide a means of absolving one of their sins. God gives mankind the promise that a Savior will be born on earth who is derived from God. Jesus fulfilled the Lord's prophecy through Jesus Christ, performing miracles before thousands and preaching the Lord's message. Christians should model their behavior the way Christ intended:
We must live our lives by loving one another and to refrain from judgmental behavior, for this is command that stands as the permanent way to live by, and what it truly means to live as a devout Christian.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
- John 3:16